Launch Event 12th 12pm-4pm & 13th 4pm - 8pm October 2022

You are invited to our Grand Opening!

Please confirm your attendance and dietary needs at

80-82 Wellington Road, Rhyl LL18 1LA

12th of October 12:00 - 16:00

13th of October 16.00 - 20.00

Food, Drink & Networking
Lowri Roberts - Business Wales
Owain Colwell - Costigan's
Helen Davies - Presentation and discovery talks
Prizes and Giveaways

Where here helping the community combat Mental health issues

Tough times don't last but the affects do.

We have created a safe environment for the community to participate in workshops or have a one-on-one healing session. Any service will help reduce or eliminate stress anxiety pain or depression.

Where asking key worker in the mental health industry to come join us for the opening of Becoming The Great. At the opening we will explain how Becoming The Great was formed and the company's ethos. This is also an opportunity to feel first-hand how a buildings energy changes you and helps you feel instantly calm. from the furniture to the scents, it is a delight to the scenes to enter Becoming The Greats Therapy centre.

Opportunity to win three different prizes?

First prize

One to one EFT Tapping healing session 1.5hrs Worth £90

Second Prize

A place on one of the workshops of your choice Worth £15

Third prize

A celestite crystal Worth £12

Should you feel other people you know would benefit from attending the grand opening please forward this email and ask them to RSVP


Rhyl business owner thriving after launching holistic therapy hub


Toxic relationships and addiction left Helen in pit of despair but Latvian monk turned life around